BURNHAM BEECHES by @Environment_Art

During the turbulent pandemic years I managed to devote a considerable amount of time to photography working on a new series provisionally entitled ‘ARCADIA’. With obvious mythological annotations, it was an attempt to escape intro the wild natural setting and forget about the troubles of the real world. We will start our visual journal with…

New book @Environment_EU, ‘Sustainable Cities Reimagined’ launched

We are living in an an increasingly urbanised world. Cities in Africa, Latin America and Asia are growing like never before. How can we make sure that cities evolve in a sustainable way, minimising the use of resources and emissions, but maximising creative potential, economic opportunities and social cohesion? How can we compare cities based…

Oxford Spring School in Ecological Economics 2019

The preparations for the Oxford Spring School in Ecological Economics 2019 are in full swing. The School will be hosted by a lovely St Hilda’s College featuring wonderful views and green lawns. We are expecting several special guests including the Director General of WWF, Marco Lambertini, Professors Joachim Spangenberg, Herbert Girardet, Victoria Hurth, Stanislava Boskovic,…

Photo Book Design

Now that our ‘Ecosystems’ album has been published and launched it would be wise to look back at the long and tricky process of its design, photography and final compilation to see which lessons can be learned from it. It should be said right at the start that this project would never have materialized in…


We have just returned from UNFCCC COP24 International Conference on Climate Change where we were presenting all our work, including sustainability research and consultancy, executive education and environmental art and photography at the British Pavilion. It has been a fantastic experience being surrounded by over 15.000 practitioners in the field of climate change and policy….


Our beautiful exhibition at the Oxford’s University Mathematical Institute has just been launched! Set in a beautiful contemporary space of the Mathematical Institute, the exhibition features 32 works from the ECOSYSTEMS album http://stanislav.photography/ecosystems in stunning 81x53cm format. Creating a certain presence effect, these works project their pure colours onto the viewer communicating the simple thoughts…


We are immensely pleased to confirm the official invitation to attend the 50th Anniversary meeting of the Club of Rome to take place in Rome, 16-18 October 2018. This will be a fantastic opportunity to present our new ‘ECOSYSTEMS’ album to a broad audience. You can already pre-order the album using the crowdfunding page we…


This moment has arrived! You can now order our stunning limited edition photo album, ‘Ecosystems: Complexity, Diversity and Nature’s Contribution to Humanity’ on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1999624106 The book will be presented at a major exhibition featuring 25+ large scale works by the photographer and ecological economist, Dr Stanislav Shmelev. The show will be hosted by the…


Dear Friends, this moment has come! I am launching my new ‘Ecosystems’ photobook. Designed by two talented University of Reading MA Book Design MSc, with texts by Dr Joachim Spangenberg, this book will celebrate the complexity and diversity of ecosystems. Shot in Colombia, Brazil, USA, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, Dubai, Kazakhstan, Singapore…

Valuing Nature @routledgebooks

Valuing Nature? Economics, Ethics and the Environment, a volume edited by J.B. Foster has made a profound impact on me as an ecological economist and a photographer. In this brilliant collection of essays the leading sustainability thinkers present the philosophical issues inherent in the neoclassical environmental economics dominant at university departments today. Dismounting the supremacy…

Burning Ice @capefarewell ‏

In 2003, 2004 and 2005 three consecutive expeditions to the extreme Arctic featuring photographers, sculptors, scientists and educators sailed among the icebergs to bring to the world a message of our changing climate. The resulting book, ‘Burning Ice: Art and Climate Change’, produced by the lens-based artist, David Buckland, is a testimony to those expeditions…

Burtinsky @EdwardBurtynsky: OIL

Given the current state of the world with CO2 emissions concentration at 407.96 ppm (Maua Loa Observatory),  over half of the world’s biodiversity lost in the last 40 years (Living Planet index declined 58% between 1970 and 2012 according to WWF Living Planet Report) and 8 mln tonnes of plastic waste entering the oceans every…